Our story

It all began 2008 when some friends in Bristol were getting married. What gift could I get them instead of vouchers that would really mean something?  As I gazed at their view from where they lived one day, with the vibrant yellow of the Bristol ferry ‘Matilda; and the coloured houses of Cliftonwood, I decided I would create a collage of this view as a gift for them.  I had always had a passion for painting and drawing, now was a chance to put it to use for a purpose.  Around the same time I was developing my work of Bristol as a hobby, having exhibited every year at the Totterdown arts trail.  I was seeing that people really wanted to buy a picture that would bring back a memory, or that they had a personal connection with.  People would come to me with lovely stories like…’I wanted that picture because we got engaged on the suspension bridge’ or ‘ I live in one of those coloured houses’.

The opportunity to turn my hobby into a business came in 2009 when I pushed my first son Finlay around the streets of Bristol in his pram.  Having worked away for some time, I was re-discovering Bristol again and I would spend time photographing the city. As I did so I also could see that the city was not being celebrated enough.  Having lived here for ten years after moving from Surrey I saw Bristol as a vibrant city with a strong identity that people really connected with.  I myself am extremely passionate about the city and feel very fortunate to be living here. Yet as I walked around and saw what was on offer in independent shops, the tourist office and the museum, I saw that there was a need for high quality souvenirs which celebrated the city.  I could see from my experiences exhibiting at the arts trail, that people also wanted something more than a picture to display on their wall, perhaps there was a place for a functional objects inspired by Bristol?

So I began to consider what products I could create which would fill this need. I developed my work further and got my collage images made into greetings cards. Gradually local shops began to stock them and  I set about developing the range further into other products. The range now includes Mugs, tea towels, placemats, coasters, and fridge magnets.

I have also recently expanded to develop products inspired by the cities of Bath, Oxford and London.

My aim is quite simply that my work will be loved by those who live in these cities as well as those who are passing through, and that they will bring back happy memories to those who have moved on.

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